Pink Galahs on Power Lines

Yesterday’s walk was a late one, so I was out and about right on dusk which is not that unusual, but it does make it harder to take iPhone photos.  What struck me about yesterday, was what a perfect afternoon it was. The sky was so high and blue, with dabs of cotton wool clouds,…

Hunting for Monarch Chrysalis

  Yesterday my partner dropped me halfway up the big hill in town, and I walked home via the water tower, which is a couple of kilometres away.  The reason was, I have been observing the milkweed on the outskirts of farmland there, for the last couple of years, hoping to spot a Monarch Butterfly chrysalis….

Natural Mindfulness

  Caterpillar Balancing is a very special image, because had I not ‘paused’ a moment, I would never have captured this.  In this case, I want to explain why the story behind this image, is just as important as the image itself.  I’ll set the scene for you:  I was running out the door (running late)…